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BABSCon Gets Chaotic with John de Lancie

Eeyup! John de Lancie!

The Bay Area Brony Spectacular is like the Spring in which it takes place, throwing off the tired old order of winter in a burst of chaotic creation. It comes to bring both the new and the renewed in bronydom. To coin a phrase, The Next Generation™ of the My Little Pony fandom and of its attendant conventions is upon us.

So, how better to start than by returning to MLP fans a treasure once thought lost?

That’s right, my little bronies, none other than John de Lancie himself will grace us with his presence and keep us guessing for our second outing. You know him as Equestria’s very own Discord and you know him as Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation. But he’s been tickling our eyes and ears for literally decades with his on-screen and voice acting roles: a heartbreaking turn as devastated father Donald Margolis on Breaking Bad, Colonel Frank Simmons on Stargate SG-1, the all-father Odin on Charmed, Agent Darkbootie on Invader ZIM, Allen Shapiro on Torchwood: Miracle Day, and far more than we can list here. With a star the caliber of John de Lancie, your friendly neighborhood BABSCon won’t fail to transform your convention experience.

And that’s our theme for this year: helping our fandom make the transition into its next, more sustainable phase of life. Let’s bring our new creative talents into the spotlight, encourage our existing stars to keep producing amazing MLP-related content, and help those struggling with “fandom fatigue” to renew their love of our amazing show and culture. BABSCon will do its part by leading the evolution of the MLP convention to its own next phase. Now, watch as we evolve from this grand first announcement to a fully-realized pony party of epic proportions. Even our web site will evolve with us from now until April!

Registration, hotel reservations, and vendor & artist table applications are open now. Panel, event, and musical applications start 9/1, so get ready. (And remember, applications are not first-come, first-served. We choose only the best for our fans at BABSCon!)

And, oh yes, our premium memberships are already going fast. So, don’t miss out on your chance to hobnob with our honored guests…guests like John de Lancie. ;-)

Art by Milk Tea and SurgicalArts

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