(click map to embiggen in a new window or tab!)
H1 Braeburned! H2 Steve Holt! H3 Steve Holt! H4 Chronoskies H5 Andy Price Art H6 Jeremy Whitley H7 Rina-chan H8 Dawn Somewhere (FimFlamFilosophy!) H9 Mink Works H10 Laser Cuts by Earth-Pony H11 BerryPAWNCH H12 CheckerBoardAZN Arts H13 TeaTimeJess H14 Ai Kawaii H15 Ai Kawaii H16 Surf City Etching H17 Surf City Etching H18 The New Gray Mare J1 KLPlushies J2 KLPlushies J3 NCMares J4 Adlynh's Creations J5 Shottsy Arts - Twisted Tails J6 Shottsy Arts - Twisted Tails K1 Mittymandi K2 The Bunny Wispery K3 Tattoos by Kelley Goodwin K4 Tattoos by Kelley Goodwin L1 World's Best Comics and Toys L2 World's Best Comics and Toys L3 Purple Tinker's Lab L4 Purple Tinker's Lab L5 Cherriesama L6 Cherriesama M1 BABSCon Store M2 BABSCon Store M3 BABSCon Store N1 NEIGHhem Musicians' Merch Table N2 NEIGHhem Musicians' Merch Table N3 The Brony Thank You Fund P1 Further Confusion P2 Ponyville Ciderfest P3 Poniverse P4 Pacific Pony Con P5 BronyCAN P6 FLARE
Breakfast Tee E3 BronyCAN P5 Bronycrafters A9-A10 CheckerBoardAZN Arts H12 Cherriesama L5-L6 Chocolate Pony's Tarot and Horse Famous G3 Christa D. B3 Chronoskies H4 Citizen Smiley Creations A3 Coins of Harmony A1 Confused Lyra & Roan A5-A6 CrayonChewer F3 Cute Parade B1 Cutie Corral E1-E2 DarkFlame A11-A12 Dawn Somewhere (FimFlamFilosophy!) H8 EquestriaPlush E6-E7 FireBrand-kun's Pony Art A2 FLARE P6 FlavinBagel and ColtierPony B6 Further Confusion P1 Jeremy Whitley H6 KefkaFloyd Prints & Art B4 KLPlushies J1-J2 Laser Cuts by Earth-Pony H10 MakeMyGraphic D1-D2