On the day to celebrate love, what better way to show our love for you than to announce that we have My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic show writer and licensed novelist, G.M. Berrow joining us this April 22-24?
It’s true! The writer of one of the best Pinkie Pie-centric episodes yet, “The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows,” will be a Guest of Honor at BABSCon. Her novel credits are already extensive—Pinkie Pie and the Rockin’ Ponypalooza Party, Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, plus titles for the rest of the Mane 6, Princesses Celestia & Luna, and Discord. Oh yeah, she also wrote all the Daring Do titles! Her next two books, Lyra and Bon Bon and the Mares from S.M.I.L.E. and Daring Do and the Eternal Flower, will be published between now and BABSCon 2016, so be sure to have copies of your own to get signed!
Berrow joins Lauren Faust, Nicole Oliver, Kelly Sheridan, Josh Haber, Katie Cook, Andy Price, and Jenn Blake among our Guests of Honor, so don’t miss out. Register for BABSCon 2016 now!
But wait! There’s more!
Announcing our Hearts & Hooves Art Contest!
Do you want to go to BABSCon? Maybe bring a friend or even a Very Special Somepony™ with you? Here’s your chance to do it using just the power of love…and art!
All you need to do is tweet your entry @babsconsf, or post to our facebook page, with the tag #LoveBABS and you’ve entered! Pictures should be “Rated PG” (or less) and only one category per person can be entered. The winners will be picked on Friday the 19th.
Awards will be given out in two categories: Best Photo representing Hearts & Hooves Day and Best Art representing Hearts & Hooves Day involving BABSCon’s elder sister mascot, Golden Gates! The winner of each category will receive two free Ponyville Pony passes, for themselves and their “Schmoopy Doo,” which includes access to all 3 days of the con! So here's our Twitter and Facebook…go ahead and tag us.
And don’t forget to submit your entries for The Voice: Equestria and Iron Artist before 2/29!
(G.M. Berrow art by LoloPan, Hearts & Hooves Golden Gates by RatofDrawn)