Vendors & Artists


By now, all vendors and artists who applied should have received a notification of their application status and, if accepted, a welcome packet. If you have not received any notifications, please contact immediately.

BABSCon is proud to welcome the following vendors, artists, and fan tables for 2015!

Ahmedz B1
Ajin Arts H4
Aki's Art by Aki Neko H8
Anime Los Angeles P4
Aphex Productions B2
Ardail Doodles H7
Art & Tarot of Chocolate Pony A6
Ashley Nichols Art B7
Athena's Wink E2
BABSCon Store M1-M3
BayCon P8
Braeburned H2
Brony@Home N1
Ceramicpony Creations H14
Cherriesama Gifts & Designs F1-F2
Comic Collector Shop T1
Convolution 2015: LEGION P5
Core Games D4
CrayonChewer H9
Cutie Corral J5-J6
DarkFlame A8
Engrishman H18
EquestriaPlush E6-E7
Everfree NW P6
Fearing's Booth H6
FireBrand-Kun H16
FlavinBagel A5
FurCon P1
Games of Berkeley J1-J2
Geekest Link L5-L6
Grenadder F6
Heather Breckel C2
Inkeed's Corner B3
Jenn Blake C3
KefkaFloyd Prints & Art A1
KLPlushies H10
Kraken Con P7
Laser Cuts by Earth-Pony H11
Las Pegasus Outpost D3
LeekFish H1
Lolo Doodles A7
Medieval Equestria E5
Midnight Mares D1
MittyMandi A9
My Little Ties E1
Onnanoko Art A10
Panda Kitty Studios L3
Poniverse P3
Ponyfinder L4
Ponyville Ciderfest P2
Princrim H5
Purple Tinker's Lab G2-G3
RatofDrawn B5
Rozga A4
Serenity's Dream A3
Silver Band's Custom Ponies H12
SilverSlinger F5
slifertheskydragon B4
SombraShop K1
SpiritofthwWolf Studios H15
Steve Holt! H3
Sugar Clay Cafe A11-A12
Surf City Etching H17
SurgicalArts B6
Taralicious G1
Tattoos by Kelley Goodwin K3-K4
The Bronycrafters J3-J4
The Brony Thank You Fund N3
The Bunny Wispery D2
The New Gray Mare G4
TheOnlyCottonCandy B8
The Paper Pony E4
The Perler Pony F3
The Purple Pumpkin G5
The Rabbit Tales H13
Tony Fleecs C1
Tsitra360 K2
Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder F4
Viw's Art E3
World's Best Comics & Toys L1-L2
/mlp/ Charity Table N2

NOTICE: The list of vendors and table assignments are subject to change without notice.